I’m a writer who loves stories, community, and seeking hope in dark places.
Raised in the rural, American south, I learned early on that humans are contradictory. The people who raised me held unconscionable beliefs about race, gender and equality, but it was the writer in me that first called their bluff. The writer in me questioned, listened, and formed her own beliefs about what was right. It is my calling to nurture that writer in all of us, the vein that runs from heart to word, the symbols that we use to define our core and ethics.
My topics range from self-improvement to creative non-fiction. Early success in poetry led to a Young Arts award, the Archibald Rutledge Poetry Prize, and an Asheville Writer’s Workshop prize judged by Nikki Giovanni. I studied creative writing at The Fine Arts Center, The South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts, and Wofford College where my novella, The Mansion House, was chosen as a runner-up for the Ben Wofford Prize. The writers who nurtured me, encouraged me, and pushed me to explore the written word beyond my self-imposed limitations created a foundation that has supported me throughout my life.
I left a career in journalism, covering the arts and food for southeastern publications, to create Bramblewood Stables. I thought, at the time, that farm work would give me time to complete a novel. Twenty-years later, I am writing that book, but the story wouldn’t be possible without the farm that brought me here.
All my current work can be found on the Bramblewood Stables’ Blog and also on Medium. Scroll here to explore how the solitary art of writing helps me connect with the world.
July 2022 - How Bentley’s Medical Emergency Changed Me
July 2022 - What is Connection-Based Training?
Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash
Is It Burnout or Self-Sabotage?
How listening to your body can change your relationship to stress.
For two decades, I worked weekends and holidays to build my business, a horse riding stable and life coaching practice in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Available day and night, I didn’t schedule time off. I believed that the secret to my stagnant success was the amount of blood and sweat I poured into my work. I didn’t see the toll that it was taking on my health — until it was too late — read more
Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash
Rising From the Ashes
How a change of perception turned a divorce into transformation.
Eleven years ago, I woke up to what I believed was my worst nightmare. Alone in Istanbul, Turkey without any friends or family near, my husband left without warning. The day before, we ate simit and discussed adopting a kid as walked beside the Bosphorus — read more
Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash
Mindset Coaching With a Horse
How a new life coaching trend blends self-improvement with equine assisted learning.
And a lot of us are tired of the labels and stigma that come with our diagnoses. I know I am. Coaching provides a safe space to explore new tools, to set goals, to break free of old habits. Arriving as I am, the horse doesn’t care what I did to alleviate my anxiety last week -- read more
Photo by Alice Refla on Unsplash
Farming for Mental Health
Tightening my belt to fill big shoes, I found solace in the work.
I alternated between three different holes on the belt, my weight fluctuating through happiness and stress. The belt had been with me since I founded my horse riding stable, my livelihood and hope. But, the middle hole on the leather, the balance spot, the fulcrum I always returned to, was starting to wear. I knew the tell-tale signs, like the stress on a saddle’s stirrup leather. The belt would need to be replaced soon - read more
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash
The Silent Battle for Pain Relief During Invasive Gynecological Procedures
It’s not just in your head.
What do Joan of Arc, Saint Marina, Mary Reid and Anne Bonny have in common? Two gave their lives to the church, two were pirates, but each dressed up like men in order to secure knowledge and power that they couldn’t achieve in a dress — read more
The Salamander
A publication that serves as a home for my creative nonfiction and personal essays.
Grief in the Time of Covid
Brave New World
Fear: What to do About It
The In-Between Time
Kicking Humiliation to the Curb